Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Semester coming to a close

We administered the final exam for the 101 class I TA today - now we just have to grade it. The last month or so has been a struggle - but I'll be rejoining the land of the living shortly.

I'm heading home to Texas on June 12th (the plane ticket is purchased!). In July I head to Stanford for the 2007 Linguistic Institute. I'm taking some interesting courses - Constraint-Based Generative Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse Particles, Computational Linguistics, and Conversational Inference.

After the institute, I'll head back to Texas for a few weeks before going back to Massachusetts.


See-Dub said...

YEA! We're anxious to see you! I know three gamers who will want to steal you for an evening or two...

Chris said...

Excellent ~ I hope my gaming musclees haven't atrophied too much! (I think the typing muscles might be overtaking them.)