Thursday, August 16, 2007

Heading back to Massachusetts

My time in Texas is up - I head back to Massachusetts later this morning.

My parents and I managed to hit the Kimbell and the Modern before I leave. There are excellent exhibits at each place right now. At the Kimbell they have an exhibit called Portraiture in the Age of Picasso. In addition to a number of interesting Picassos that I had previously only seen in books, there were paintings by Max Beckmann, Braque, David Hockney, Francis Bacon, and many more besides. The exhibit is arranged chronologically, from early modern to contemporary.

At the Modern we saw an exhibit of works by Ron Mueck, an artist I knew of but had never seen before. I highly recommend seeing this if you have a chance. Mueck creates ultra-realistic sculptures of people at either very small or very large scales. The oversized pieces are like nothing I've experienced before. Here's a picture of a piece we saw.

You can view some more of Mueck's work here.


See-Dub said...

Agreed about the Mueck work. Fascinating stuff.

Mueck's realism reminded us of work by Duane Hanson his site, but Hanson's figures are life-sized--spookily so!

It was good to see you while you were home!

See-Dub said...

(Just imagine the parentheses around "his site" up there!)

Dan/Kathy Gibson said...

Do you think your poor old auntie could be added to your family blog pages? Here is mine (needs to be updated!)-


Aunt Kathy

Chris said...

Yes, my poor old auntie (and even my uncle) can have their site displayed prominently here. Fair warning: the extra traffic might cause a server to go down ;p